What Causes the Most RV Accidents?

Recreational vehicles have rapidly become more and more popular since it is such a great way to travel with family. However, even for experienced RV drivers, these kinds of vehicles can be much more dangerous to drive than your average car. The first step to safety is to be prepared for what can go wrong. Knowing what you can expect will help you on the road.

Here are the leading causes for RV accidents to keep in mind and how to prevent them.


Speeding is the most common cause of RV accidents as it dramatically increases the likelihood of a collision. The chance of an accident increases significantly if it is raining or windy while simultaneously speeding. Also, when you’re going faster than the speed limit, it is much harder to stop if someone in front of you suddenly hits the brakes, increasing the chance of an accident. The speed limit is in place for a good reason, so always follow it to help you avoid accidents, especially in an RV, since the extra weight and size will not help your case.


When driving for extended periods, it is prevalent to get sleepy and often reach dangerous fatigue levels. All too often, RV drivers do not get enough rest during their stops, whether it be because of the noisy surroundings of the area or any other reason. If you take advantage of an adequate RV camp to rest, it may help with the sleepiness and to continue on in a safer state of mind.

Powerful Winds

Strong winds significantly increase the chances of getting into an accident. More and more RV’s are made lightweight to lower the cost. However, this makes them more dangerous in these kinds of scenarios. It is best to purchase an RV from a trusted manufacturer and built strong enough to withstand powerful winds.

Maxed out Weight or Uneven Load

Avoid overloading your RV as this makes it much easier to get in an accident, and you will be at fault. It is illegal to overload an RV, and therefore, your insurance may even refuse to cover those damages. RV accidents are also common when the vehicle is loaded improperly or unevenly as it will pull in one direction and cause a fatal accident. Use a checklist to help you prepare before a trip.

Miscalculated Stops and Turns

Since RVs are larger and heavier than many other vehicles, it will take them longer to brake, leading to an accident if you do not start braking soon enough. While driving an RV, it is crucial to be completely aware of your surroundings and begin braking well in advance to avoid an accident. Also, turns must be handled differently than doing so with a car because of the size. Turns have to be taken very slow and wide. Due to these particular needs, inexperienced RV drivers should practice before going on a trip.

Blind Spots

It is very common for RV’s to have blind spots. You may be able to prevent an accident by simply going outside and checking out the rear before you start reversing (of course, only if it is applicable in the situation). Remember that you are dealing with a much longer vehicle during lane changes than the standard car, so assess the situation accordingly when looking at the rearview mirror before taking a turn.


RVs are tall, so the center of gravity is higher, and they can roll over quite easily. If you are speeding or driving recklessly, rolling over your RV is certainly a risk. Again, the importance of following the speed limit can not be stressed enough. Protect your investment and financial well-being with the best Texas RV insurance.

About Transparity Insurance Services

Transparity Insurance Services was founded for the purpose of helping clients to ensure their property and assets with no hassle. We are committed to providing a simple, easy, efficient, and positive experience to all of our clients, and prioritize open and transparent communication with our clients. Through our excellent customer service and technology, we can help you to find the right insurance program at a competitive price. Contact us today at (855) 889-2037 to learn more about what we can do for you.