Before you leave on vacation, there are certain safety precautions you should take. Even though you will probably have a lot on your mind about the trip, do not allow home security to fall short on the priority list.
Consider the importance of these home precautions so you can have peace of mind on your get-away.
No More Hidden Keys
It is not smart to have spare keys ready for someone to find when you are out of town. Some people are very trusting and do not really think twice about this. However, even in the most clever of hiding places, some thieves have so much experience with breaking and entering that it is not worth the risk.
Advertise Protection
Security company yard signs make a significant impact. It is not recommended to use fake security signs as that may backfire with a savvy burglar. Exterior lights and cameras can be helpful in deterring crooks.
Don’t alter how things usually are too much, such as the blinds and drapes. If they are all closed all of a sudden, this is a sure sign to perpetrators that you are likely out of town. Also, try to keep your home as visible as possible, as you don’t want to give burglars privacy while trying to do the deed.
A Lively House
You can deter thefts by making your house still look as if it is being lived in. Setting timers on lights and appliances that make noise, such as a radio, can really bring life to the house to keep the bad guys away. Nowadays, you can even remotely turn the lights on and off. Keep in mind that timers should be set at random times with an unpredictable pattern so that potential thieves would not be as likely to catch on to your safety measures.
Stop Mail & Newspaper Delivery
A build-up of newspapers or mail in front of your house is one of the biggest giveaways that you are out of town. You can put your newspaper delivery on hold during the dates of your vacation and have the post office hold your mail for you as well when you’re out of town. You can simply pick it up when you return and let them know to resume your delivery.
Weather Preparation
Weather can be unpredictable. Check your yards, patios, or any exposed areas on your property to secure items that could run amok with heavy winds. If these types of things go unfixed for a while, it is clear to burglars that you are away from home.
Ask for Help
Hopefully, you have good relationships with your neighbors, at least to where you can ask them to watch over your home while you are away. A trusted neighbor is very helpful, and a house sitter is even better. Getting help may be the peace of mind you need to thoroughly enjoy your vacation, along with knowing your house is properly protected with sugarland home insurance.
Social title: Home Preparation Before Going on Vacation
Social description: Are you aware of what grabs thieves’ attention when people are away from home. Use this as a home safety checklist before you leave for vacation.
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