How to Safeguard Your RV Against a Hurricane

The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season is upon us, and for coastal communities, this means that paying attention to the weather is more important than ever.

Recreational vehicles (RV) owners especially — and in particular, those who actually live in their trailers or motorhomes — must be aware of the severe threat that hurricanes pose. In fact, even a category 1 hurricane (the weakest level) can completely total an RV with up to 95 mph winds.

In order to keep yourself and your RV from being harmed this hurricane season, it’s important to abide by the following safety guidelines.

Keep track of the weather. 

Throughout hurricane season, which lasts from June 1st until November 30th, keep a close eye on the weather forecast. Remember that you cannot be in your RV during a hurricane. It is not a safe place to endure such a storm. If hurricane-related inclement weather is coming your way, start making immediate plans to evacuate.

Have your RV inspected and maintained.

There are numerous safety standards that RVs must comply with, including those involving electrical and fuel systems, batteries, and more. While, again, you should never stay in an RV during a hurricane, if your RV must be left out during severe weather, having your RV inspected for safety concerns beforehand may help ensure that damage is limited.

Avoid travel to hurricane-prone areas. 

Certain areas of Texas and the coast are hotspots come hurricane season. During this time, if you plan to travel in your RV, it’s best to avoid these areas completely.

Ensure you have adequate RV insurance.

Every RV owner must have proper insurance for their vehicle. Not only is RV insurance often required by law, but having it is also in your own best interest.

Losing an RV to a hurricane can mean tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain. Furthermore, many people call their RV home, meaning if it’s lost, they’ll be homeless.

When a Hurricane Is Already on Its Way …

Make evacuation plans immediately.

In the end, your RV is replicable. You and your family are not. The most important thing to do if you find out a hurricane is headed your way is to get out. Find a safe and sturdy building where you can go — a friend or family member’s home, a hurricane shelter, or any other sturdy building with a foundation.

Move your RV to a garage.

If you cannot find a garage to park your RV in, it is at least recommended that you park your rig so that the wind will hit the smallest side (the back). This will make it less likely that your RV will be tipped over in the storm.

Transparity Insurance Services provides comprehensive RV insurance to protect yourself and your RV investment from damage caused by hurricanes and other accidents. To learn more and get an RV insurance quote today, contact Transparity at (855) 889-2037.

About Transparity Insurance Services

Transparity Insurance Services was founded for the purpose of helping clients to ensure their property and assets with no hassle. We are committed to providing a simple, easy, efficient, and positive experience to all of our clients, and prioritize open and transparent communication with our clients. Through our excellent customer service and technology, we can help you to find the right insurance program at a competitive price. Contact us today at (855) 889-2037 to learn more about what we can do for you.